I've been dealing with a Demon on the loose.. only it took a foRm of a humAn being so it's Quite hard to identify right away..it Looks hUman though, sounds human.. for sure you'll know it's a demon when it talks and text..(yes you read it right...it text!!)..sometimes it missed calls.. this Demon affected the livEs of my love ones and my beloved friends.. I'm really sorry for the trouble this demon has caused you.. This Demon arrived the same time I fell in love again.. Good thing that I'm stronger now.. This Demon came in strong.. not afraid of HoLy Water nor Spells.. it doenst leave a smell like sulfur as a warning.. but it does have a nose, eyes, and ears for money.. this Demon owns a cellphone and loves texting my friends about bitterness..false accusations and mostly lies..it loves to text wheneveR cut off is near.. this demon loves to play as a plaintiff.. comEs in different cellphone numbers.. so to my Angel friends.. if you ever received a text from an unknown number.."Beware!!" it's the The "Deeeeeeeeemon texting!!"..better not read it for it will poison Your minds and it's really a teaser... just delete it.. This Demon kept captive a young Angel.. I do hope that Angel wont grow up like It.. This dEmon is attracted by money.. I know that this demon is not easy to suppress but with all the Angels around me .. soon the storm will pasS.. Thanks to all the Angels around me, protecting me always.. Love you all!!!
By the way if you want to know the identity of the Demon.. it's just inside this blog.. keep your eyes wide open and you'll see it reveals its name in front of you.. GoodLuck!!!
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